After asking these series of question you will conclude with me that Islam is delusional 
Who is God?                            Allah
Is Allah housed in kabbah?      Yes
Is Quran word of Allah?            Yes
Is Quran eternal?                        Yes
How many eternal entity?             One
Is Allah Almighty?                         Yes
Is the spirit of ALAH Almighty?    No
Can the spirit of ALAH become a man?       Yes
Can Allah become a MAN?               No
Did Allah talked to MUSA?                 Yes
Did Allah talked with Adam?              Yes
Did Muhammad spoke with Allah?     Not exactly
Can Mary give birth without sex?        Yes
Can Allah have a son without a wife?    No
Is Allah a father metaphorically?          Yes
Can we call Allah a father metaphorically?     Never
Who gave the Quran as revelation?    Allah
Did Allah gave Muhammad’s experiences to him as revelation?                     Yes
Is Allah the Almighty?                     Yes
Then who did he prayed to?          I don’t know
How old was Allah?                     I don’t know
Why was there no mention of the name Allah in the old testament?     Allahu Allam
Is Quran plain in Arabic?               Yes
What is the meaning of ALM?       I don’t know
Is Quran in pure Arabic?                    Yes
What is the meaning of Eisa?               I don’t know
Was Quran revealed in seven harufs?    Yes
Did Allah commanded Othman to standardize it?                                   Noo
If Allah is uncreated and the Quran is uncreated, how many uncreated entity shall we see in heaven?                     One
What is the acceptable religion?     Islam
But will the sabean enter heaven as found in sura 2;62?                                     Yes
Is bible word of God?                      No
Can we find the name of Muhammad in the Bible?                                          Yes
This is lslam is confusion I am out!!!!
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