“`Episode One“` 
 _Muhammad in the Bible?_ 
Tons of article had been written before now and In several videos done by the Muslims we have heard the Muslims faithfuls said the name of Muhammad was actually found written in the Bible. Zakir Naik – as a typical example – a prominent Muslim polemist  said that the name of Muhammad was found written in Hebrew Bible _Song of Solomon 5:16_ (as machmadim) and we begin to wonder if he is doing this on purpose of delusion or because he was a stark poor ignorant bible scholar. We shall get to know in the end.
 _Muslims reading this, let me ask you right away, is the name of Muhammad found written in the song of Solomon as Naik the disciple of Ahmed Deedat claimed?_
Muslims want us to throw the Bible away because in their own view it contain gross errors and at the same the are asking us to search the Bible for the name of Muhammad and prance around the scripture to validate muhammad ministry!! 
We call this the dilemma of Allah, Muhammad and the ummah
 How on Earth will I – as a Christian – claim the book of Krishna is wrong yet Jesus was found written describe therein and so we must search the Krishna scripture to validate the saviour of the world?!! This is called inconsistency and hypocrisy. This is exactly what the Muslims are doing today rejecting the Bible and at the same time using the Bible to justify the mission and vision of Muhammad. How awkward is this? 
I want all my readers to pause here and think deeply, how can the book that was never from Allah write about my Noble prophet? Please ask your self and if you are actually sincere you will come to your senses and leave Islam right away. Little wonder Jesus the saviour said in John 5:39
 _You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me,_
Muslims, here is a golden opportunity for you to show me the name of Muhammad in the Bible and establish Islam from the Bible. *Please do your search and get back to me within 72 hours all your biblical verses whereby the name of Muhammad was found described, written, encoded* and I promise to respond to them all one after another sequencially and objectively without any biase or subjectivity.
To my fellow followers of the Messiah, rejoice in the holy ghost because you can say it with all boldness that the name Muhammad can only be found in the Bible under the list of false prophet and Antichrist. You have all authority In the Bible to say this about the Acclaimed prophet of Allah from the Arabian quareshi tribe in the seventh century.
NOTE: _if after reading this article you still think the Bible contain the name of Muhammad or his description kindly bring it to the fore in orderly manner for my response._
fsp2020 ✍🏿
Email: buythetruthnot@gmail.com.ng
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  1. March 29, 2022

    How can Muhammad who was born 600 years after Jesus and all of the books in the bible had been written entered the biblicak story. Definitely, Satanic fellows are defending their master, Devil.

  2. March 19, 2023

    this your comment show you have not read the article at all to its details. for emphasis sake Jesus Christ is the prophet mentioned in John 1:19-21 read John 1:45-47

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