Episode Four
Ahmad in the Torah & Gospel !!!
Muslims while reading sura 7:157 and sura 61:6 often go back to the Bible to look for the fulfillment of this prophecy. This is a dilemma because If this prophecy failed then Islam is false and if we can find the name described in the Bible then Islam is false because Muslims belief our Bible is not the Torah & the gospel.
Muslims on the quest to get this prophecy fulfilled  search the pages of the old testament and the new testament looking for Ahmad. Till now the name Ahamd was nowhere to be found or described let alone written in the Bible.
Muslims in their quest looking for Ahmad in the Torah and the Injil often strayed into: Song of Solomon 5:16, Isaiah42:11, Deut18:18, John1:19-21, John14:25-26, Matthew 21:43, Deuteronomy 33:2, Isaiah 29:12, Habakkuk 3:3, Genesis 49:10 , Haggai 2:7, John 15:26, John 16:2–4, Luke 13:35, Psalms 84:6 
Lest I forget the Torah is nothing but the first five book of the law in the Bible, it was believed to have been written by Moses but Muslims quoting song of Solomon, Habakkuk, Isaiah Haggai show their desperation and nothing more because these are not part of the Torah but the books of the prophets. Why do Muslim go to books outside the Torah to proof the Quran prophecy? We need to ask.
If all those books of the prophets are knocked out of the way ( if any Muslim wish to learn from the feet of a Christian or a Jew the meaning of these prophecies you are welcomed to ask ) then we are left with Genesis, and Deuteronomy to be dealt with and in our previous episode we have dealt with Deuteronomy.
Genesis 49:10
_The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be._
The prophecy above was corroborated by Numbers 24:17, Isaiah 11:10 and it is quite not an ambitious prophecy. It is not for Muhammad but a promised for the house of Judah which is fulfilled in the Messiah who is Jesus Christ. Matthew 21:9, Luke 13:35, Matthew 24:14, Ephesian 1:10, Muslims should look elsewhere for the name of Ahmad not in the book of Genesis.
The other part is the Injil and Muslims are so desperate to equate the promise of the Holyspirit with the coming of Muhammad. Jesus in the gospel promises his immediate disciples the Holyspirit which actually came to dwell in the disciples on the day of Pentecost in  the book of Act 2:1-5. The promised of the comforter is not about Muhammad. If we read the gospel of John chapter 14,15 and 16 carefully we shall discover the following facts
*Muhammad is not the comforter*
The comforter is omnipresent
The comforter is all powerful
The comforter lives inside of the disciples and all believers
The disciples of Jesus know the comforter 
The comforter was with them but now will love in them
The comforter is Holyspirit 
The comforter spoke to the disciples in their life time
The Holyspirit till today minister to the believers Muhammad in dead and buried in his grave
The following are the attribute of the Holyspirit missing our in Muhammad
 _He convicts us of sin John 16:8_ 
 _He permanently indwells us John 14:16-17._ 
 _He seals us Eph. 1:13._ 
 _He teaches us John 14:26._ 
 _He guides us into all truth John 16:13._ 
 _He reminds us John 14:26._ 
 _He bears fruit through us Gal. 5:22-23._ 
 _He comforts us John 16:7._ 
 _He equips us with spiritual gifts 1 Cor. 12:4-7._ 
 _He fills us Eph. 5:18._ 
 _He empowers us Acts 1:8._ 
Finally, we are left with nothing to discuss. Therefore we can come to the conclusion that Islam is false because the prophecy of Muhammad about himself in the Torah and the gospel is nothing but false claim. However in our next episode we shall dealt decisively on the books of the prophet the Muslim run to justify the prophecy of Muhammad. I belief you will not want to miss this peice.
fsp2020 ✍🏿
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