Episode Two
 “`Prophet like Moses“` 
  I gave 72 hours for my dear Muslims to justify their stand about Muhammad in the Bible by citing references that supported their claim. To my surprise I saw only one response and that I will be responding to in my article.
Muslims are in dilemma, they at one hand condemned the Bible claiming it is corrupted and on the other hand claimed the Bible contain the fulfillment of the prophecy of the Quran that Ahmad an unlettered prophet was found described as found in sura 7:157 and sura 61:6.
 *Why was Muhammad unfit for the prophecy*
_In the Bible the Israelites were the one asking for a prophet who will speak to them on behalf of God not the Arabian and in Deut 18:15 God answered their request and said he will give them a prophet like unto Moses today._
_The similaries are cooked up and unmatched. Muslims often look for confirmation  of Muhammad prophethood in the Christian Bible therefore they cooked up similarities between Moses and Muhammad to make him fit into the prophecy in Deuteronomy._
▫️Moses had a mother and a father Muhammad also had a mother
▫️Muhammad had family & children and Moses had children
▫️Both fought war, emigrated, are shepherds and get laws from God Almighty
▫️And other unfounded similarities. 
However many of these similarities will actually fit in with many other people in the Bible such as Joshua, Gideon, David, Abraham and what a view, therefore the comparism cannot stand in this context.
The prophet like Moses will speak with God directly and God will put His words in his mouth not that an angel or an unknown spirit will come and deliver the message
The prophet will be like Moses in all respect of the revelation not concorted similarities. The question we should ask is, does Muhammad fit into any of these?
Moses was a Jew and the prophet must be among your brethren ( Israelite not a foreigner Deut 17:15, Deut 24:14, Deut 4:3 , Exo 23:25, Deut 13:5, Micah 4:15 Zephaniah 3:11)
Moses spoke face to face with God the prophet must speak face to face with God
Moses was a deliverer the prophet also must be the saviour Exodus 3:1-5 Matthew 12:38-40, Matthew 1:21
Moses had signs and wonders following his mission the prophet must have sign and wonders Deut 34:10-12 
Moses dealt with the Jews and the prophet must have dealings with the Jews
How on Earth can you equate the prophet to be Muhammad? He failed all the criteria and therefore he is unqualify to be the prophet. Who is then qualify? I will make it simpler in the next episode.
fsp2020 ✍🏿
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