Do you know the urine of a boy child was made of water and clay while that of a girl child was made of flesh and blood

Don’t take my word for it see it here in the hadirh of Muhammad
“...Ahmad bin Musa bin Ma’qil narrated to us that Abul-Yaman Al-Misri said: ‘I asked Shafi’i about the Hadith of the Prophet, “Water should be sprinkled over the urine of a baby boy, and the urine of a baby girl should be washed,” when the two types of water (urine) are the same. He said, “This is because the urine of the boy is of water and clay, but the urine of the girl is of flesh and blood.” Then he said to me: “Did you understand?” I said: “No.” He said: “When Allah the Most High created Adam, He created Eve (Hawwa’) from his short rib, so *the boy’s urine is from water and clay, and the girl’s urine is from flesh and blood.” Then he said to me: “Did you understand?” I said: “Yes.” He said: “May Allah cause you benefit from this.”


fsp (CP student) Nov, 2018

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