In the Quran we have many instances where it was alleged that some verses cancelled or nullified (abrogated) other verses, especially the latter verses. This principle gives room for Islamic manoeuvring, multiple choices, and flexibility in interpreting and applying the Quran. In surah al baqarah ayah 256 (Quran 2:256), the Quran said there is no compulsion in religion. This means that a non-muslim is free to practice his religion without being forced or threatened by Muslims to do otherwise. A Muslim can as well change his Islamic religion without being threatened with death or imprisonment. This verse is very popular especially when Muslim Dawah merchants want to woo non-muslims into Islam as snake oil salemen. This strategy is always employed in a society where Muslims are minorities. 

However, it was alleged, by Islamic scholars (ibn kathir inclusive), that Surah toeba (surah 9, the most violent surah in the Quran) abrogated surah 2:256. What’s the implication of this? It means that the conciliatory ayah, at the early stage of Islam when Islam was weak and outnumbered numerically by the kuffar, has changed into a more aggressive and assertive ayah (Quran 9:21-31) designed to subjugate and oppressed non-muslims, especially in a Muslim-majority community. 
For example, a Muslim in the US, UK or Canada will pretend to be peace-loving and will always quote Quran 2:255 and Quran 5:32 to make his point. The unsuspecting kafir will not understand that he had been played by the Islamic dawah merchant. However, a Muslim in either Sudan or Saudi Arabia will hardly quote these verses. Why? They are in the majority and most of them understood the principles of abrogation hence would apply more of Qur’an 5:51, Quran 9:28-31, etc against the kuffar minorities in their midst. This makes Islam a SCAM!
2). *The reclassification of the hadith*
It is not new(s) to most of us that the deeds and the sayings of Mohammed are considered sacred and best examples (to Muslims only) and form a bulk (over 90%) of islamic laws and jurisdiction. The most important hadith in Islam are sahih bukhari and Sahih Muslim. However there is a problem. These hadith (the deeds and sayings of Mohammed as narrated by his close associates, known as his sahabas) has been classified, by modern Islamic scholars as: the fabricates (not fake), the weak (not strong) and the authentic hadith. 
Caveat: all these hadith (fabricated, weak and strong) are in the same books of hadith.
What’s the implication of these classification? Like the Quran where we have the abrogated and the latter ayah, the so-called strong and authentic hadith are used in nullifying the so-called weak or fabricated hadith. How’s this principle applied?
 Any hadith that speaks evil of Mohammed is considered fabricated hadith. 
Any hadith that is in-between, didn’t speak evil of Mohammed but makes a weird and unacceptable claim, is considered weak. 
Any hadith that speaks well of Mohammed and Islam is considered strong. This is a deceptive and evil pattern that Muslims have used in deceiving the world, especially the very ignorant ones. Hence we can conclude that Islam is a SCAM!
3). *The Islamic history according to Tabari*
Just like the Quran and the hadith, Muslims have also perfected their deception in this book. How did they do that? According to Muslims, Tabari, in his preface to his book; the history of Islam, he was alleged to have said/written that some of what he wrote are false or cannot be taken as face value. What’s the implication of this statement? Any history he wrote that’s damaging to Islam/Mohammed should be rejected and anyone favorable to Islam should be accepted. This means that in the history of Islam (the most earliest historical account on Islam) by Tabari, do not accept all what he wrote. Reject anyone that exposes Islam as a scam. 
Caveat: there is no historian that will tell his readers not to have full trust in their historical account of events. Historians generally ensure that they are as accurate and as trustworthy as possible. However, in Islam, the opposite is true. 
This is one of the reasons I concluded that Islam is an Arabian scam on humanity. 
4). *The seerah rasoollullah*
The seerah rasoollullah is considered as the biography of Mohammed, especially the ones written by Ibn Ishaq (the earliest biography of Mohammed) and Ibn Hisham. Just like Tabari, Muslims also alleged that Ibn Ishaq also, in his preface, advised his readers not to accept all his records about Mohammed because he (ibn Ishaq) could have also made some mistakes in his biogeography of Mohammed. Guys, can you all see that the pattern here is very consistent? What does this tell us? The so-called preface can never be written by any of the three (Tabari, ibn Ishaq and ibn Hisham). These are concocted prefaces by faceless Islamic scholars to deceive Muslims (as usual) to reject even their own books if/when it doesn’t follow their utopian scripts. No sane historian, biographer, religious writer will produce a book to remotely deceive their audience either by omission or commission. This deceit, brainwashing, and muddling is only found in Islamic religion which makes Islam generally deceitful and a very dangerous ideology. 
Islam is a SCAM please stay away from it.
Ibn Danny
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