The book attributed to Barnabas was translated into Arabic by Dr. Khalil Sa’adah, from an English copy in the year 1907 at the request of Sayyid Muhammad Rashid Ridha, the founder of Al-Manar magazine. It was rejected completely by Christians because it was a forgery. Those who accepted it were a sect of Muslims. They did so for the very simple reason that portions of it support the statement that Christ was not crucified, but His likeness fell upon Judas Iscariot who was crucified in His place. Scholars who have carefully studied the matter are unanimously agreed that this book, which has been falsely attributed to Barnabas did not exist before the 15th century. This is almost 1500 years after the death of Barnabas. If it had been available before that period, Muslims scholars like al-Tabari, al-Baidhawi, and Ibn Kathir would not have been divided in opinion about the end of Christ, nor about specifying the person who is said to have been

crucified in His place. If we refer to reputable Muslim writings like “Golden Pastures” by al-Mas’udi, “The Beginning and the End” by Imam ‘Imad Al-Din and “Ibrizi’s Version” by Ahmad al-Magrizi, we notice that these prominent scholars stated in their writings that the gospel of the Christians is that which was recorded by the writers of the four Gospels, namely Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Al-Mas’udi writes, “We have mentioned the names of the twelve and the seventy disciples of Christ, their dispersal in the land, and other news concerning what they did and their burial places. The writer of the four Gospels including John and Matthew were among the twelve, while Luke and Mark were among the Seventy” (Al-Tanbih wal-Ishraf, page 136). If we refer to old manuscripts of the Holy Bible dating back to pre-Islamic times and to which the Qur’an refers and testifies to their truth, we do not find the so called Gospel attributed to Barnabas.

There is a preference for Muhammad over Jesus in THE GOSPEL OF BARNABAS
1. Jesus in the Gospel of Barnabas. It records that Jesus said, He is not worthy to loosen the latchet of Muhammad shoe (44:30-31),(97:10).
2.Adam saw the revelation of Muhammad (39:14-26). (41:29-31).
There is abundant proof that the writer had no connection whatsoever with the apostles of Christ, or His disciples who wrote their books inspired by the Holy Spirit. The first proof is the author’s ignorance of the geography of Palestine and the country.
1.  It is well known that Nazareth is on a hill in Galilee and not a coastal town the writer forgot he said Jesus board a boat going to Nazareth on a boat (20:1-2).
2.  The writer was ignorant about the history of the life of Jesus Christ. In the third chapter of this forged gospel, it was written, “When Jesus was born, and Pilate was Governor at the time of the Rabbinical. Leadership of Ananias and Caiaphas” (3:2).This is a lie according to historical document
3.In chapter 142 it is written that the Messiah will not come from the seed of David but from the seed of Ishmael, and that the promise was given to Ishmael and not to Isaac (124:14). This is a gross error because anyone reading the chronology of Christ in the true Gospel will see that, according to the  flesh, He descended from the house of David, from the tribe of Judah.
We could not believe that this superstitious story is from a Gospel inspired by God as it contradicts ancient scriptures inspired by God. The author included stories which had no foundation in the Christian religion.
1. The spat of Satan on the sand brought by Gabriel to God brought about the navel in our belly”(35:25-27).
2. Jesus had passion for Satan when he fell and pleaded to God on his behalf Jesus even dialogue with Satan (51:4-20)
3. Jesus prophesied about Muhammad being the prophet that will clear him from the shame and disgrace brought on him by his disciple (112:13-17).

Muslims think the gospel attributed to Barnabas speaks in favor of their Quran but nay it speaks in contradiction to the Islamic book called Nobel Quran.
1. Maryam had no child birth pain (3:5-10) this is in contradiction to Surat Maryam 19:22-23.that said Maryam had child labour under a palm tree.
2. It called men sons of God (102:18-19).as contradicting Surat Al-Kahf 18:4-5.
3. Supported monogamy when it says man have to stick with his WIFE God gave him (116:18); as contradicting Polygamy as revealed in the Quran in Surat Al-Nisa’ 4:3.
4.He created man free so he might know that God has no need of him, just as a king who gives his slaves (155:13) This contradicts the Qur’an, which says, “and every man’s augury have We fastened to his own neck…” SuratAl-Isra’ 17:13.
5. four most favoured angels were commanded to go to hell and bring out everyone who belongs to the religion of the apostle of Allah, and lead him to paradise” (137:1-4). as contradicting Quran that said sinners will dwell in hell forever Surat Al-Ahzab 33:64-65.
6. Jesus denied being the Messiah (42:5-11). as contradicting the quran that called Jesus the messiah Surat Al Imran 3:45.
Is there, in fact, a worse forged THE GOSPEL OF BARNABAS testimony against the Gospel and the
Qur’an than this testimony? Is there a Muslim who believes this fabrication that “the Messiah” is Muhammad son of ‘Abdallah and not Jesus son of Mary? This is an extraction from THE GOSPEL OF BARNABAS A FALSE TESTIMONY by Iskander Jadeed
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