Conversation between NURUDEEN and JOHNSON

NURUDEEN:   Hey kafir, why don’t you accept the truth of Islam?

JOHNSON:      What truth is that.

NURUDEEN:    that prophet Mohammed (pbuh ) is the greatest and final prophet of almighty Allah

JOHNSON:     yes I believe Mohammed is the prophet of your Allah.

NURUDEEN:    Not my Allah. Almighty Allah. Yours and mine.

JOHNSON:      man that will be impossible.

NURUDEEN:    the prophet is the best role model for mankind. Do you know that?

JOHNSON:     excuse me! Role what? That means you are advocating a depraved world.

NURUDEEN:    no not at all. The prophet lived a perfect life and everyone should aspire to live like he lived.

JOHNSON:      Like seriously! How many wives do you have?

NURUDEEN:    four. As a good Moslem I am entitled to four.

JOHNSON:      meaning you are a better Moslem than Mohammed? Cause he had about sixteen or so wives.

NURUDEEN:    the prophet is different. Allah is often forgiving and merciful. Allah allowed him to have more

JOHNSON:      how old were your wives as at the time you married them?

NURUDEEN:    Hmmmmmm 17, 19, 16 18 yes I know were you are going. You want to say Moslems marry very young girls but sorry to disappoint you. Is there any underage amongst them?

JOHNSON:      definitely not. They are all up to marriageable age but meaning you have better morals than your prophet who married and had sex with girls of six years.

NURUDEEN:    you shameless liar. It is only one girl Aisha and she was not six she was nine. Shame on you.

JOHNSON:      sorry for my mistake she was nine Hmmmmmm

NURUDEEN:   so what? It was Allah that told him to marry Aisha. She is the mother of the believers. Allah knows best. Allah is often forgiving and merciful.

JOHNSON:      Have you ever stolen anything?

NURUDEEN:    I swear by Allah never except you want to count the little stealing I did as a child. But I can never take any body’s thing without his permission. Even the quran forbids stealing.

JOHNSON:      but your prophet waylaid caravans going to Mecca and stole everything.

NURUDEEN:    he did not steal them. He only took the goods and killed the infidels

JOHNSON:      oh he only took the goods and killed the people who were on a journey. There is a word for that.  What word is that again Hmmmmmm…

NURUDEEN:    (brings out a knife) OK kafir say it. I know you want to call it highway robbery. Go ahead and say it. Freedom of speech and democracy

JOHNSON:      I was not going to say that. I was going to call it the blessings of Allah.

NURUDEEN:    (still holding his knife) anymore question? I promise I will answer you appropriately.

JOHNSON:     no sir. You have answered all my questions and even the ones I did not ask. Thank you.

NURUDEEN:     Allah Akbar!!! 

Once again I have won this argument.

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