SON vs SLAVE Episode 1
_(Son stand for a follower of Jesus who belief he died and ressurected while slave stand for a Muslim who surrender to Allah)_

SLAVE OF ALLAH:Quran is verbatim from Allah!!!

SON OF GOD: Are you really sure?!

SLAVE: yes inshallah I can proof it!!

SON: Oh OK!! Quote sura 80:1 for me

SLAVE: sura Abasa ayat 1 “The prophet frowned and turned away” so what is it?!

SON: did you just said Quran is a verbatim from Allah??

SLAVE: yea yea so what is your point?!

SON: thanks, do you understand verbatim to be Word for word; in exactly the same words as were used originally.?

SLAVE: Mashallah?!

SON: thanks, and from the sura 80:1 is a verbatim from Allah and it was Allah telling Muhammad what happened to Muhammad, called it revelation?!

SLAVE: You stinking kafirun!! Quran was given to jubril and jubril say qul yo Muhammad!! Hownisnthi your shit?!

SON: not my shit, I am only showing you that Quran contain deeds of Muhammad and his actions that he deceitfully called revelation and you believed him!! So gullibly!!

SLAVE: hmmm, Quran claimed it is the word of Allah and we belief it so!! I will curse you oo!!

SON: hmmm!! I am happy to expose Islamic lie to you again!! Thanks

this is a parody and the characters are fictitious!
Jesus is Lord and saviour Luke 2:11, he is the only way to God the father john 14:6

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