This is a response to the article been spreaded by the Muslim dawah team about Robbin Scott. Robbin Scott get exposed once again.
1. He claimed Muslims belief in one Allah meanwhile, Christians also belief and teach that there is ONE God who is a triune being, and believing in one GOD is not sufficient for salvation, because Satan himself belief in ONE GOD and trembled James 2:19
2. There is no verse in the bible where we were told about what he did not eat in fact he ate with sinners and publicans. He also said it is not what you eat that make you unclean but what comes from your mind. Matthew 15:11
3. Greeting of Jesus was not salaamuailekum because he never spoke ARABIC, he said shalom john 20:21 and john 20:21 came before the Arabic Quran, why would you assume what is not truth?
4. Jesus never said inshallah, he said thy will be done, talking about HIS FATHER and Allah is not a father!!

5. Muslims do ablution meanwhile,  the washing of feet done by Jesus is not abution, can the imam allow the worshippers to come inside the mosque and wash each others feet? washing of feet is not synonymous  in anyway with islamic ABLUTION!!!?
6. Jesus and other prophet not only prayed bowing their heads they sometimes prayed kneeling down. 2chronicle 6:13, Act 9:40 we were ordered to kneel before him psalm 95:6
Jesus himself prayed looking up ward to the sky ,John 11:41 this contradict Islamic teachings
Having a beard is nowhere a criteria for being a christian or Muslim, mad men also have beard are they Muslims too? Even many cult members now wear beard, I can chose to wear beard if my wife like it(ask Korede) this beard issue is irrelevant.
8. Matthew 5:17  Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. He came to fulfill the law not to perform it, in fact he actually sent those selling and exchanging dove in the synagogue away  Mattew 21:12-13 HE FULFILLED THE LAW USING HIS BLOOD ONCE AND FOR ALL ,Romans 8:3 He is the end of the law Rom, 10:4
9. quoting old testament to justify purdah, and covering in Islam is another lie Mary in those quoted was not mentioned at all as putting on hijab or purdah!! Another propaganda of Islam. Nevertheless women likewise men are advice in the scripture to dressed modestly but not to be in bondage of Islam
10. Yes! They fasted for 40 days, but Muslims do not fast for 30 days during Ramadan this is another propaganda, this show Islam as proposed by Scott is deception and lie
11. Even herbalist say PEACE UNTO THIS HOUSE!! does this make them Muslims?!! Greeting is not salvation stop getting it twisted.
12. Jesus was circumcised if Muslims ate to obey circumcission where can we find the record of Muhammad circumcission?!! This is another propaganda of Islam, idol worshippers also circumcise their wards, does his make them Muslims?!!
13. Calling his father Eloah and not in anyway same with Allah (though sound similar) and Aramaic was never derived from Arabic but Arabic and sister language Hebrew came from  Aramaic and it is not being spoken by people any longer and almost going into extinction if not gone(Semitic language)
Do share to expose the liar Scott, to promote the truth where lie is prevalent. Thanks
Fsp 2017
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