Abdul: I am back where are you?
Johnson: yeah welcome by the why did yo first entered the gents with your left leg and refused to talk while someone knocked at the door seeking for your permission?
Abdul: please we are focused in our discussion and now you have initiated ad hominem please i am not in for this. Allah know best wallahi
Johnson: since you are not comfortable with some of these deeds i consider as absurdities anyway i will allow you have your way by the way i am sorry for deviating
Abdul: never mind shall we progress i like your spirit i promise to dedicate some time for you so we can discuss this together. Hope you are also prepared to defend such absurdities in the bible as well?
Proceed please
Johnson: okay good i am looking forward to discussing this with you any day. By the way do you agree With Reno that Jesus is the eternal son Of God?
Abdul: it is possible in some sense because anyone who does the will of Allah is the son of Allah because he has submitted to Allah
Johnson: can you show me a single verse that allow Muslims to be called the sons of Allah?
Abdul: There is no verse in the Quran that said so it is my own submission let me confess.
Johnson: wow! Your confession is taking us to the truth Allah is father to no one Sura 112 and there is no time in history Muslims were allowed to called Allah a father not to talk of abusing the privilege. Such defense emanated from the brain of the Muslim polemicists as a defense mechanism against the son ship issue in the Quran. This is a problem don’t you think?
Abdul: How do you mean?
Johnson: thanks, the jew refereed to YAW EH as their father in several passages of the torah and Yahweh also called them His children in return likewise Christians refereed to God as their father while Jesus is the eternal unique son of his kind. Therefore it follow logic for Muhammad to use the term father if actually he came with the same message as Moses and Jesus but surprisingly there is no trace of such record. And  more importantly there is no Ayat in the entire Quran warning Muslims against such practice. Hope you see the problem?
Abdul: what problem please?
Johnson: this is a pointer that Muhammad was not from the same Almighty God that sent all the Jewish prophets his prophet-hood is undoubtedly established on a sand and you know what that implies?
Abdul: please don’t get me annoyed let us go back
Johnson: sorry I don’t mean to hurt your feelings i am only out to tell you the truth. Do you know Reno Omokri confirmed Jesus is God by calling him the eternal son of Yahweh?
Abdul: what do you mean?
Johnson: good question, in Sura 43:81 Quran said say if Allah have a son I will be the first to worship him . CUTS in..
Abdul: Of what purpose is this Ayat?
Johnson: just be patient i will drive home the point in few sentences… If Quran could say if Allah have a son then the son must be worshiped then what do you think about the son?
Abdul: if this Ayat is correctly quoted that means if Allah have a son the son also must be worshiped
Johnson: thanks for your sincerity now how do you say Jesus as the son of God is not worthy of worship? Why do you say he who is worthy of worship is not God?
Abdul: are you insinuating Reno indirectly and unknowingly called Jesus God for conceding him as the eternal son of Yahweh?
Johnson: it is an understatement to say i insinuated The truth of the matter us that Reno had just condemned Islam and unknowingly called Jesus God. Ask me why!!
Abdul: why?
Johnson: the son of man is man the son of Goat is goat therefore the son of God is………?
Abdul: should be God by this logic therefore Reno was stupid right
Johnson: no don’t use foul language it is obvious he was wrong by his conclusion but he might be unknowingly wrong. He need to humble himself in the room of study and should not block his antenna to the knowledge of truth the Holy spirit gives to every humble believer at the room ofstudy. What do you say Abdul?
Abdul: now you are calling me Abdul don’t be stupid please. Let me be on my way i have to ask my imam some question about my faith. I promise to bounce back strong exposing christian lies.
Johnson: you are always welcome but get this fact straight there is no Christian lie. Satan is the father of lie and wherever lie dominate Satan is the king and not Christ and so do not associate the christian faith with lies. Thanks for your time. Bye bye.
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