Do Muslims know God? This is a conversation between Johnson and Abdul on the personality of God.
Abdul: do you know God is one and that you Christian forged lie about him
Johnson: really,  what lie is that?
Abdul: 1+1+1=1 is a blatant mathematical blunder a two year old kid will never commit
Johnson : but no Christian ever use the formular to explain our God. He is beyond mathematics and if at all you want to use mathematics the better formaular to use is 1*1*1=1

there you go I am a mathematician and even at that it still failed. In the formular 1*1*1=1 there are possibilities that the entities can be more than one so this also failed.  Allahubakbar

Johnson: don’t forget I said God personality goes beyond mathematical calculation. And from the biblical stand point God is one being there are multi persons even in that one being. And we arrive at that reading from Genesis to revelation
Abdul: ahusubilahi how how earth will you say that.  It belittle God. God is ONE and it is common sense to know he is one. Stop creating concept to establish your preconceived idea of trinity. If I may ask did God ever said I am a Triune being in the Bible?
Johnson: to be fair there is nowhere in the Bible where God said I am a Triune being bit reading through the entire bible we know the nature of this God and you yourself claimed that we should know God before we serve him.  By the way do you know Allah?
Abdul: ah ah ah don’t go there,  I have read some of your articles about Allah that he has eyes hands   legs and glory  to him if he said he has all those alihmadulilahi I belief it. I know he is one
Johnson: Every Christian belief God is one in being but three in person and they have their knowledge from reading the entire Bible. Let me ask again who is Jesus according to the Bible?
Abdul:  pardon
Johnson: according to the Bible do you think Jesus is God?
Abdul : never Jesus cannot be God in the Bible.  He claimed he was sent and how can he be God ?
Johnson : OK let us stop using our brain to figure God out can we read the Bible to see if Jesus is God John 1:1-14
Abdul: lol!  Are these words of Jesus?  Even the Greek word thontheos and ontheos are problematic I have heard lots of preacher arguing on this word though I never studied Greek myself
Johnson: these are the account of John about Jesus.. Cuts in
Abdul: nowhere did he claimed to be God… Cuts in
Johnson: in revelation 1:8 he did
Abdul: whose word is revelation?  A dream that was written many years after Jesus had left the earth is nothing but a fabrication
Johnson: really,  but you belief what Muhammad wrote about Jesus six hundred years (600) after his ascension.  How is this logical?
Abdul: this is logical because Muhammad Nebr wrote something contrary to Jesus statement and we belief or because it is a revelation from Allah.  Mashallah
Johnson : we call this double standard.  You belief what was written 600 years after Jesus but an Arab man who lives miles away from Jesus who claimed he had a dream and vision about Jesus but you threw away what John his companion who had ived with him wrote about 90 years after him. How logical?
Abdul: Muhammad neber liked about Jesus he said the truth about him and we belief him
Johnson : did Muhammad called Jesus the word of Yaweh?  Did Muhammad called Jesus the bread of life?  Did Muhammad called Jesus the redirection and the life?  Please what was Muhammad revelation about Jesus crucifixion?    Was he right about Jesus birth and life and location? You need to….
Credit finishes….
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