MUHAMMAD: Divinely inspired or ignorantly superstitious.
Episode: Moses and the running stone.

Sura Al-Ahzab 33: Verse 69
“O you who have believed, be not like those who abused Moses; *then Allah cleared him of what they said.* And he, in the sight of Allah, was distinguished.”

What did the Israelites say about Moses and how did allah clear him of what they said. since Muhammad is the best interpreter of the Quran, is will be more expedient if he tells us what the verse means and what actually happened to Moses?

( *WARNING*❗ The following Sahih Hadith is extremely hilarious. The reader might end up peeing his pants from excessive laughter. You are therefore advised to exercise bladder control)

Sahih Bukhari
Volume  1,  Book  5,  Number  277: Narrated  Abu  Huraira: The  Prophet  said,  ‘The  (people  of)  Bani  Israel  used  to  take  bath  naked  (all  together)  looking  at  each other.  *THE  PROPHET  MOSES*  used  to  take  a  bath  alone.  They  said,  ‘By  Allah!  Nothing  prevents  Moses from  taking  a  bath  with  us  except  that  he  has  a  *SCROTAL  HERNIA*.’  So  once  Moses  went  out  to  take  a  bath and  put  his  clothes  over  a  stone  and  then  *THAT  STONE  RAN  AWAY  WITH  HIS  CLOTHES*.  Moses  followed  that stone  saying,  *”MY  CLOTHES,  O  STONE!  MY  CLOTHES,  O  STONE!* till  the  people  of  Bani  Israel  saw  him  and said,  ‘By  Allah,  Moses  has  got  no  defect  in  his  body.  Moses  took  his  clothes  and  *BEGAN  TO  BEAT  THE STONE.”*  Abu  Huraira  added,  “By  Allah!  There  are  still  “SIX  OR  SEVEN  MARKS  PRESENT  ON  THE  STONE  FROM THAT  EXCESSIVE  BEATING.”

Tafsir Ibn Abass Sura 33:69
(O ye who believe! Be not) in harming the Prophet (pbuh) (as those who slandered Moses) *they accused him of having swollen testicles,* (but allah proved his innocence of that which they alleged, and he was well esteemed in Allah’s sight) he has a high standing and status in Allah’s sight.

Just when you thought Islam can’t get any weirder! So Muslims actually expect us to believe this as a divine revelation from God to Muhammad?! And do you Muslims actually believe this cartoons?!…I know you don’t. Shouldn’t that caste doubt on Muhammad’s prophetic claims. He makes up stories so bad that even kids will look him in the eyes and sarcastically ask,  REALLY?! Note that this is the same man you trust to tell you the truth about salvation and how to get it.
Matthew  7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.  7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?


Bro Paul Jake Awey is a Christian apologist from Ghana

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