Jesus birth was foretold in the previous book and can be verified
Muhammad’s was alleged to be mentioned in the previous books but the claim cant be verified till today
Jesus birth was announced by the angel and his purpose was foreknown
Muhammad birth was not announced he wandered in oblivion perhaps idolatry for 40 good years before Islam dawn on him
Jesus name is God salvation God with us
Muhammad original name is Qathem before he renamed himself the praised one
Jesus is sinless, pure and righteous  and no sin was found in him
Muhammad was a terrible sinner and he himself confessed he was a sinner 
Jesus performed outstanding miracles, justifying his mission as the sent one of God
Muhammad performed no miracles infact Allah said he refrain to send any signs and Muhammad said he is just a mere warner
Jesus the prince of peace lived in peace as his name implies and commanded his disciples to do same
Muhammad being the praised one lived a careless life and engaged in 29 expeditions and he taught his companions to do likewise
Jesus did only what God can do though he did not count equality with the father as a thing to be grasped he humbled himself even to the cross
Muhammad shared name with his god though he lived below expectation of the Arabian people
Jesus was crucified and on the third day he resurrected, he is alice forever more he is at the right hand of power soliciting for mankind
Muhammad died of meat poison and was not buried for days his people expected him to rise like Jesus but he was stinking and gasing out offensive odour. He remain dead forever
Jesus created as God the father does without pride he acknowledged the father
Muhammad claimed no one can create like his god though he later said his god is the best of creators contradicting himself
Jesus came to fulfill the law
Muhammad disobeyed his own laws and disregarded the sharia laws he propounded himself
Jesus said men should come and follow him and he will give them eternal life
Muhammad himself was not sure of his final destination he was overwhelmed with fear of the punishment of the grave
Jesus said I AM THE WAY as christians follow him today
Muhammad keep asking for the way till his demise and muslims prays 17 times asking for the way till today
The disciples of jesus lived exemplary life as commanded by jesus the saviour and their master many were martyred for the gospel of Jesus 
The companions of Muhammad fought wars and killed people of different faith and those who disagreed with them as commanded by Muhammad 
Jesus is coming back into the world as a just judge of mankind
Muhammad is in the grave he will be judged by Jesus
NOTE: Choose this day whom you will follow: jesus the prince of peace or Muhammad the man of war. Jesus is alive muhammad is dead.
fsp March, 2020
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