Before we proceed, we need to know some Islamic facts about shaitan and its attributes. Kindly read below some of the attributes and capacity of Satan as described by the Islamic books.

1. Satan touches every baby at birth.

2. Satan sleeps in people’s nose at night.

3. Satan tie three knots at the back of everyone’s head when they are sleeping.

4. Satan urinated in your ears.

5. Satan farts hearing the call of adhan.

6. Satan circulates in everyone’s blood.

7. Satan causes yawning.

8. Satan eats… Eats with his left hand.

9. Best part, Abu Huraira captures Satan three times.

Satan in Islam is called Shaitan



A baby is born at every split second all around the world. How does Satan manage to touch them all and have time to sleeps in people’s noses. How does the Islamic Satan manage to perform all these acts at a time? How does he manage to touch babies when he is sleeping in your nose?

There are a billion noses in the world. How does Satan manage to sleep in all of them in one night and at the same time manage to touch all babies being born at that time and gets time to eat. How does he manage to tie three knots on the head of every single person and have time to touch every baby which is born around that time?

Who was touching babies when Abu Huraira captured Satan three times? Again at every point in time, the adhan is called the haddith said satan ran as fast as its legs could carry him please we need a Muslim will can answer; how does Satan keep running from adhan and have time to sleep in your nose and also touches every baby as they are born into the world? Is satan in Islam an omnipresent creature?

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