Christians and any lovers of the truth, should please read this article to the end. If truly we are seeking to know the truth and defend it. As a lover of truth we must not succumb to the threats of the Muslim cleric, Mallam Adepoju, who is demanding that Prophet Noah Ezekiel delete all videos that use ACADIP’s content to refute his misinterpretation of Christian scriptures. As truth seekers, we can take the following actions to silence the threatening lips of the cleric, as admonished in Titus 1:11:

– Pray for the evangelist and other apologists
– Like and share all the videos
– Download and repost the videos on our pages
– Write a review of the videos on our pages
– Write articles refuting the wrong misrepresentations
– Call in to show support for the evangelist
– Offer legal advice – Call Mallam Adepoju and other clerics to stop the threats
– Write to Christian bodies and church leaders informing them of the development
– Notify government agencies about the issue

The freedom of religion must be expressed freely, and the truth must prevail in our community, while the mouths of revilers must be stopped. Muslims who think he is speaking the truth should allow for friendly dialogues and discussions without threats. Contact: F A A T I O K O D O R O”

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