I am Danny, It was a great and bright Friday 16th of November 2018 at Ladi-Lak Primary school, Somolu-Bariga area of Lagos Nigeria. This day ACADIP Nigeria (an Islamic dawa…

Qur’an 7:157 is one huge problem for Dawah preachers for obvious reasons which I will explain below. Here is the verse in question: ————Those who follow the Messenger, the Prophet…

The ayat of alquran Al-Taubah, 33; Al-Fath, 29; Al-Saff,10 caused this dialogue ensued between Abdulllahi and Ibn illahi. Abd (slave) is the Muslims while Ibn (son) is a Christian. Abd:…

    In Islam, the word of Allah is eternal and not created. Also in the Quran,Sura 4:171 and confirmed in the hadith Sahih Al-Bukhari Volume 6, Book 60, Number 3…

As I rose to write this article the lyric of this hymn keeps flashing on my mind, and so it is used as the opening of this article:  On a…

sura 4:157 has cause Muslims a great deal of problem there were varying interpretations. According to theTafsir al-Jalalay seen below: And for their saying boastfully ‘We slew the Messiah Jesus…

Five months back a Muslim told me Jesus and other prophets were Muslims who submitted to Allah the Lord of the alamin. I was told the noble Quran is a…

OUTSIDE: Islam is the most peaceful religion INSIDE:Islam is the the only religion on earth that it’s own members are fighting and killing each other (SUNNI VS SHIA). OUTSIDE: Our…

Muslims want us to belief Muhammad was the seal of the prophets and they often quote sura 33:40 to substantiate this claim. Looking at the tafsirs the scholars also agreed…

Abdul: I am back where are you? Johnson: yeah welcome by the why did yo first entered the gents with your left leg and refused to talk while someone knocked…

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