Episode Five  “`Muhammad disqualified“` The Muslims are faced with dilemma on the issue of the prophecy made in sura 7:157, 61:6. Though they claim the Bible is not the Torah…

Episode Two  “`Prophet like Moses“`    I gave 72 hours for my dear Muslims to justify their stand about Muhammad in the Bible by citing references that supported their claim….

Q U R A N In fact, it is a Glorious Quran.In a Preserved Tablet. Sura 85:21-22 The noble Quran claimed it was preserved in a Lawhun Mahfuz (eternal tablet) and…

Episode One Are we All created from the shoulder of Adam Do you know Muhammad said Adam was stroke after he was created and every person  that Allah created among …

Jubreel was the suppose angel that brought down the Islamic faith to Muhammad. The same angel that assaulted Muhammad in cave Hira. Muhammad reported that he once saw this angel…

This is just a paraphrase of our phone chat and if you really want to have the discussion you can contact me and I will send you the complete unedited…

In Islam Muhammad was painted as the best example of all ages sura 3:110 and many a Muslim and are looking forward to making him their mentor and religious leaders…

Christians read your Bible?!______________________________________ Muslims at divers time use this statement to challenge Christians that they have not been reading their bible. Muslimsl clerics often quote some selected bible verses…

Fatimah O Victoria claimed she became a muslim after seeing the name of  Allah in the bible. She wrote other article which Opera News crawled in their feedsWe never knew…

A lecture delivered By Pst Anthony Ibn Fawole at the Seasoned Apologetic Conference 2019 Edition                                NOTE DISCLAIMER: This is just a note for…

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