if a leader of a country intercept a merchant ship owned by another country to confiscate its money,
he would have been labelled a PIRATE
but Muhammed intercepted a commercial convoy of Quraish tribe, and call this a CONQUEST…..yet they say “this is the messanger of Allah”

If a leader of a country, confiscate the fifth of the income of that country, all to himself, it would have been said he STOLE government money! but Muhammed took the fifth from the looth and called it “The fifth to Allah and his messanger”…..yet they say “this is the messanger of Allah”

If the leader of a country, chooses the best girl, in the country he has conquered, to have sex with, it would have been said that he is LUSTFUL but Muhammed took the best girls, from the jewsih tribes that he has conquered like Sofia the daughter of Hoyay and Rohana, Chamoun’s daughter, and considers them WAR SPOILS!…..yet they say “this is the messanger of Allah”

If a leader of a country, launches 27 wars an 56 combat missions, in just 8 years only, it would have been said, he is a BLOODY THIRSTY Emir(prince) of war but Muhammed did all this in the span of 8 years…..yet they say “this is the messanger of Allah”

If a leader of a country marries a 9years old girl, and he is elderly(grandfather), it would have been labelled a PEADOPHILE AND RAPIST but Muhammed married Aishat, when she was 6 years old and had canal knowledge of her when she was only 9years old!!…..yet they say “this is the messanger of Allah”

If a leader of a country forged laws for his people, and his own convinience and then places himself above the laws, he would have beeb called A DICTATOR but Muhammed authorised 4 wives rule but however he himself violated the SELF – MADE law, placed himself above the law and married more than 11 wives…..yet they say “this is the messanger of Allah”

If a leader of a country, kills his critics it would have said he is nothing but a TYRANT but muhammed killed everyone that opposed him, under the pretext that thet are enemies of God and his messanger like Kaab Bin Asharaf……..yet they say “this is the messanger of Allah”

if a leader of a country, kills whoever abandoned his group under the pretex of treason it would have been said he is a MAFIA LEADER but Muhammed said “whoever changes his religion, kill him and he killed the apostates…..yet they say “this is the messanger of Allah”

If a mleader in a country kills any minority groups, or forxes them to leave just because they are a minority religious group, he would be labelled a A WAR CRIMINAL! but muhammed killed the Jews of Bani Quraida, and expelled the Jews of Bani Nazeer, and ordered  the expulsion of Christians and Jews from the Arab Peninsula so the Muslims only remain…..yet they say “this is the messanger of Allah”

If a leader said he has been ordered to fight people until they are subjected to authority, else their blood is Halal! it would be said he is INSANE!But Muhammed said he has been ordered to fight people till they swear that: “thee is no God but the God and Muhammed is his messanger” he declared war till the world is subjugated under islam…..yet they say “this is the messanger of Allah”

Wonder! why people are afraid to CRIMINALIZED the person of Muhammed like they do with other TYRANTS?
do we just overlook all these mess because he brought a religion?
why is he being judgd differently? Why this political artifice?
Is it because of the fear about Islamic countries cutting oil flow, or the fear that his followers(muslims) will rise?

can justice be subjugated or compromised? because of FEAR and MONEY?
Justice is mightier than VIOLENCE! but if Muhammed is the messanger of God? WHY NOT THEN… Hitler,Gadaffi,Sadam Hussein, and Benito Moussilini tagged GREATEST MESSANGERS sent by God!
It is either we CONDEMN them all togther or we RECOGIZE them ALL as messangers and pray to them all! like we do to Muhammed. if not why not?!

Transcript of the video made by an ex Muslim from Algeria bro Rasheed

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