1. When I studied Muhammads life, what I found was* a gold digger who in his 25 years of age married a 40-year  old wealthy widow (Khadijah), Muhammad got troubled and terrified when he started receiving revelation from the fallen angel, even though he admitted that he was demon possessed, his wealthy wife convinced him to proclaim the revelation. He moved on to marry a 6 year old child named Aisha when he was 52 and consummated his marriage when Aisha was nine years old.
He was received by Jewish community as a refugee after he claimed that he was fleeing persecution from his own Meccan people who accused him of intolerance against their Pagan religion. Few years after he was sheltered and supported by the Jewish community, he plot to conquer them and eventually turned against them and wiped out the entire Jewish tribe out of Arabia. He was known for his warmongering. Himself participated in 28 bloody wars which are called Ghuzwa, and sent troops 54 times for different bloody wars, altogether there are 82 wars under his watch and commands.
A man who has been a role model for groups like Isis, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Boko Haram, Al-Nusra, Islamic Jihad, Al-Shabaab, Abu Sayyaf and other Islamic terrorist groups, doesn’t deserve anyone’s respect but criticism and mockery.
He was poisoned to death by his Jewess maid when he slaughtered her entire family. He’s dead and will never return again but his legacy continues to wreck havoc and chaos around the world.
2. When I studied Jesus’s life,what I found was the one who was born without sin, he dedicated his life serving the poor, he created bread and wine to feed the poor, stopped group of men from stoning a woman to death, healed the sick, lame, blind, deaf and raises people from the dead, he commands storm to calm, he exorcise a boy possessed by a demon, he performed numerous miracles and demonstrated his power over nature and spirits.
People from all over the world from different ethnicity, nationality, race and religions are healed everyday in the name of Jesus. Non-believers dream of him and embrace him without been told to do so.
Jesus died on the cross, buried and was resurrected, ascended to Heaven, and is coming back again. The story of Jesus is a story everyone would be proud to share.
No one has ever invoked his name to commit atrocity because he has always condemn violence and told his followers not to pay back evil with evil.
Religion misleads people but Jesus saves people, No matter how good you are; no matter how religious you are; no matter what you do for God, you can never be good enough, or holy enough to earn salvation, any plan of salvation that is based on the efforts of man is doomed to failure.
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. (Eph. 2:8-9,
Jesus vs Muhammad is not like Apple vs Orange, It’s Good vs Evil, Light over Darkness. the difference is clear even though some are too blind to see it and to acknowledge the great gap between the 2, they still fall the victim of early indoctrination and ignorance .

Abubakar Idris Mohammed

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