Muslims tried to conjure Muhammad into the Jewish scripture by ascribing deut 18:18 to Muhammad  they went further to compose some similarities between Moses and Muhammad  which qulaifed him to be a prophet like unto Moses.  Let us take a look at their claim below

1: Moses Parted the Sea
2: Prophet Muhammed Parted the Moon.
3:Jesus didn’t part anything in Miracles.

1: Moses name starts with ( M) Muhammeds first names
start with (M)
2: Jesus name starts with (J) or (E) Esus.

1: Moses experienced Fighting and Removing Idolism
( Golden Calf)
2: Muhammed Destroyed 360 Idols.
3: Jesus never physically destroyed any idols.

Stoning Adultery.
1: Moses held the law
2: Muhammeds help law.
3: Jesus abolished it.

Raised an orphan.
1: Moses raised by Non-biological parents.
2: Prophet Muhammed Raised by Non-biological Parents.
3: Jesus raised by Mother Mary

1: Moses was a Sheppard. Exodus 3:1
2: Prophet Muhammed was also a Sheppard.
3: Jesus was a Carpenter.

Place of experienced Revellation
1: Moses Mountain
2: Muhammed Mountain (Hira)
3: Jesus. Child Hood.

A careful study of the claim made me to write a rebuttal using the same logic on the Islamic dawah team. Muhammad is like a round peg Inba square hole
Read further

1. Moses parted the Red sea and we have the historical records

2. Ahmed parted the moon and no scientific or historical records to Proof the conjecture

3. Jesus parted the dreaded eternal damn action for whoever belief in him mattew 11:28

1. Moses starts with ((M))

2. Ammad starts originally with ((A))

3. Jesus is also called Mighty GOD ((M)) Isaiah 9:6


1. Moses frown at idolatry

2. Ahmed condone idolatry by bowing to kabbah and black stone

3. Jesus drove those people who sell in the temple away. And declare to be worship Rev 1:8

         LAW OF MOSES 👇
1. Moses got ten commandments

2. Ahmmed copied the commandments and killed many sura 9:5,29

3. Jesus alleviated the burden of Law by sercrificing his blood for atonement

1. Moses was never an orphan though raised by her Mother

2. Ahmed an orphan

3. Jesus raised by her parents

1. Moses a SHEPPERD really led Israelite like shepperd
2. Ahmed was a warlord and jihadist sura 9:29
3. Jesus the good Shepherd John 10:14

1. MOSES on Horeb

2. AHMED at cave Hira

3. Jesus was transfigurated on the mountain. He is the revelation revealed to Moses
Stop spreading lies come to the truth jesus said ‘I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND LIE no one can come to the Father BUT by me’

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