A Muslim was hell bent on knowing whether Jesus was a Jew accordinf to the scripture or not I took my time to school him
Do you belief God is Almighty who does all things that suit his purpose

Ismaeel: YES

Fsp; do you belief Mary the mother of Jesus was a Jewish woman

Ismael; YES

now since there is no argument about these two premisses then your question is closer to been solved

God foretold in Gen 3;15 that he seed of the woman will bruise satan head

Mary was a Jewish woman Luke 1;27

God in his power brog

Jesus was the seed of the woman according in the time of the law Gal 4;4

If Yahweh is all powerful and Mary was a Jew then Jesus was brought forth in the seed of the woman who was a Jew therefore HE WAS A JEW

Ismael; how do you know Genesis 3:15 was talking about Jesus

Fsp; the best and simplest answer is to ask who else since the world began came as the seed if the woman only? NONE except Jesus therefore the prophecy was about Jesus being the seed of the woman

Ismael : leveticus 24;10 said  anyone who is not born of a Jewish father cannot be regarded as a Jew or Israelite

Fsp; no if you read the verse clearly and objectively the verse does not say what you claimed unless out want to add ADD our out thought into into the jewish Scripture

PART TWO ( after few minutes)
Ismael; reading Genesis 3;15 and comparing different versions of the christian Bible there is no mention of the word seed and why the different usage of
One of her children
( he tried to make mockery of translations of the Bible while I tell him Quran also has various translations with various use of words on the same Arabic text)

Fsp: can you tell me what you understood by the verse

Ismael: I understood his children

fsp; not children offspring/one of her children/seed was used pls and from different conversations I have had with you you like going to commentary to explain biblical verses please will you go to the commentary to give me any explanation……

Ismael: went mute and refuse to speak….this might be network issue but I heard background voices (you can listen to the audio to confirm)


according to the Qur’an whose seed was JESUS?

Ismael; all I know is that Jesus was sent to the Jews…..


Fsp: I am not asking youvabiut what you no think brother but  what Quran said. I asked according to Quran and Islamic book which tribe did Jesus came from?

Ismael; Quran did not say which seed he came from but he was raised among the Jews

This was how doctor Ismael got schooled about his ranting. We call it being slain by your arguement

Jesus is Lord and I am his follower I will be made superior till resurrection says Quran 3;55 why not join me in following Jesus?

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