this is a dialogue between fsp and doctor ismaeel about the uproar happening in Israel and Palestine over Jerusalem. This is the paraphrase of our chat
Fsp: @Ismaeel MUSLIM who owns Palestine, can you tell me!!?
Dr. Ismaeel: God owns it
Fsp: Good, who did He gave it to according to the Quran? Thanks
Dr. Ismaeel: Did mocked God when God planned to gave it to them, So they never earned it
Fsp: @Ismaeel MUSLIM who!?
Dr. Ismaeel: The Israelites. Remember, some people were there already
Fsp: any reference to support your answer? If there is No ref I will ask for where you get your answer Thanks
Dr. Ismaeel: Let me bring it
Fsp⚜: pls do
Dr. Ismaeel: Qur’an 5:23-25
(5:21) My people! Enter the holy land which Allah has ordained for you; and do not turn back for then you will turn about losers.
(5:22) They answered: ‘Moses, therein live a ferocious people: we will not enter unless they depart from it; but if they do depart from it then we will surely enter it.’
(5:23) Two from among these who were frightened but upon whom Allah had bes-towed His favour said: ‘Enter upon them through the gate – for if you do enter – you will be the victors. And put your trust in Allah if indeed you are men of faith.’
(5:24) Nevertheless they said: ‘O Moses! Never shall we enter it as long as they are there. Go forth, then, you and your Lord, and fight, both of you. As for us, we will sit here.’
(5:25) Thereupon Moses said: ‘My Lord! I have control over none but my own self and my brother; so distinguish between us and the transgressing people.’
(5:26) Allah said: ‘This land will now be forbidden to them for forty years and they will remain wandering about on the earth. Do not grieve over the condition of these transgressing people.
So u can see the Israelites never wanted it
Fsp⚜: Good, Are these all your ref or you still want to bring some more
Dr. Ismaeel: Yes, for now
Fsp⚜: Ok,Let us analyze the verses one after the other. Are we set bro
Dr. Ismaeel: Yes
Fsp⚜: God blessyou. Do you agree according to verse 21 it was ordained for them by Allah?
Dr. Ismaeel:Yes
Fsp⚜: Fine
Dr. Ismaeel:But they messed up
Fsp⚜: Good on bro, Hold on Ok, Now according to verse 22 they told MUSA that some people are living in the land they will not enter unless they were driven out Yes or no
Dr. Ismaeel:Yes
Fsp⚜: We are moving. Allah summon them to make advancement that they will win if they do in verse 24. Yes or no
Dr. Ismaeel:Yes
Fsp⚜: Good, Now let us see the result Are we set?
In verse 26 because they murmur or not willing to take the land due to inhabitant Allah said the land would be forbidden for *FORTY GOOD YEARS*
and they would wander in the wilderness
Yes or no
Dr. Ismaeel: Yes
Fsp⚜: Good, according ti the text, will the land only elude them for forty years only as punishment and not not forever
According to these verse you brought no where does it say they will not own the land forever!!
Nowhere bro, Now the land was ordained for them and why are you saying it was not for them?!!
So it is the will of Allah for the jews to enter Palestine if only we use quran. And it baffle us today to see Muslim crying over the land while in their book the land was ordained for the jews!!!!!
That is my argument
Dr. Ismaeel: Lol…Going by your logic, did God said it would be theirs forever ?Remember, they failed God test in the beginning
Fsp⚜: sura 5 Verse 21 said it was ordained for them. Even your tafsir confirmed it. They only complained because some people were living therein and they were punished for forty years!!!!
The limitation of the years of punishment make it know they will own it forever after the punishment
Dr. Ismaeel:They did not only complained but also blasphemed and insulted God. Lol…show me the “forever”
Fsp⚜: It does not insert the word forever. Where is the blaspheme. Show me 
Ismaeel MUSLIM: 5:24
Fsp: because quran only says they would suffer for forty years which they did
Fsp⚜: Now what was the next They served the punishment for Forty years or Are you saying they have been wnderingin the wilderness ever since those years?!!
Dr. Ismaeel: So all they could do now is use force to kill and expel Palestinian people
Fsp⚜: Allah’s command bro Read it well it say they should fight them.They will conquer it because It was ordained for them by Allah to use force. I am using your book. Bro It is so clear. Bible and Quran agreed on this issue bro unless we wanted to lie and twist the whole episode
Dr. Ismaeel: People living in the land of then..!??Not the poor people of Palestinians of today. The israelites have failed the test in the quran And they were punished for forty years
Fsp⚜: No more no less, Or are you saying Allah said they will no more own it forever?!! If yes show me where the text said so
Dr. Ismaeel: Do have where it says “forever”?
Fsp⚜: I asked, I am expecting answer. Or are you saying Allah said they will no more own it forever?!!
Dr. Ismaeel: I can’t find it Or Do u have where it says “forever”??
Fsp⚜:  Tafsir Tanwîr al-Miqbâs min Tafsîr Ibn ‘Abbâs
Verse 5.21
(O my people! Go into the holy land) the purified Damascus, Palestine and parts of Jordan (which Allah hath ordained for you) which Allah has gifted to you and made it a bequest of your father Abraham. (Turn not in flight) retreating, (for surely ye turn back as losers) who are punished: 
Ordained for their father Abraham. Your tafsir agreed with me. It is a Gift for them. Even before they were born
Dr. Ismaeel: Have you found the forever ?
Fsp⚜: The word forever was not used I told you
Dr. Ismaeel: they were instructed to enter the holy land with condition, But they failed
Fsp⚜: With condition! Where is the condition?!
Dr. Ismaeel: Good
Fsp⚜: But you agree they were promised to own the land as gift!!To Abraham their father’s?!!Show me a verse that said they are no more promised, Show me bro
Dr. Ismaeel: The condition that they should drive the inhabitants of the land away
Fsp⚜: So they never did!! Right? Is that your point?
Tafsir ibn kathie on the sura 36:14
(You are the best of peoples ever raised up for mankind…) Allah states next that Musa encouraged the Children of Israel to perform Jihad and enter Jerusalem, which was under their control during the time of their father Ya`qub. Ya`qub and his children later moved with his children and household to Egypt during the time of Prophet Yusuf. His offspring remained in Egypt until their exodus with Musa. They found a mighty, strong people in Jerusalem who had previously taken it over. Musa, Allah’s Messenger, ordered the Children of Israel to enter Jerusalem and fight their enemy, and he promised them victory and triumph over the mighty people if they did so. They declined, rebelled and defied his order and were punished for forty years by being lost, wandering in the land uncertain of where they should go. This was their punishment for defying Allah’s command. Allah said that Musa ordered them to enter the Holy Land,
الَّتِى كَتَبَ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ
(which Allah has assigned to you) meaning, which Allah has promised to you by the words of your father Isra’il, that it is the inheritance of those among you who believe.
وَلاَ تَرْتَدُّوا عَلَى أَدْبَـرِكُمْ
Ibn khathir
They were the original owner before they moved to Egypt then some other people invaded the land and these were powerful
Pls read your book before fighting for Palestine
Nothwistanding I am not subscribing to using force to claim their land but all I try doing is to show you that Quran itself supported the jews over the Palestinians!!!
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