Whenever the issue of Jihad is brought before Muslim dawagandist, one defense they bring out is that “Yes the Quran allows for fighting, but its only preaches self-defense and Jihad is only a self-defense act to protect the Muslim community from attacks by their enemies.” And according to them, if non-Muslims didn’t want to fight or have any problem with the Muslims, all they have to do is live peacefully with the Muslims. This is the standard view of modern westernized Muslims. But imagine the surprise of what you find as you read through the Quran. On this specific issue, there is an interesting passage in Sura 9 of the Quran.

*“They swear by Allah that they are truly of you while they are not of you, but they are a people (hypocrites) who are afraid (that you may kill them). Should they find a refuge, or caves or a place of concealment, they would turn straightway thereto with a swift rush.”* ~Quran 9:56-57

According to this verse, there were some people during the time of Muhammad who were pretending to be Muslims because they lived in a Muslim community and were surrounded by Muslims so they are pretending to be Muslims because they are scared that the Muslims will kill them. If they had anywhere to run they would run to save their lives and protect themselves from the Muslims.

But hey! Didn’t these people know that their Muslim neighbours are peace-loving Muslims who only fight in self-defense and as long as they live in peace with them they have absolutely nothing to worry about? I mean, this is what westernized modern Muslims have been telling us that Muslims only fight and kill for self-defense. Didn’t these people get the memo? Why then were they so afraid of being killed by their Muslim neighbours.

But if what modernized Muslims have been telling us were true, then the response of allah and Muhammad in the Quran should have been something like “Hey, there are some people who are pretending to be muslims because they erroneously think you would kill or hurt them. What is wrong with these people? Go and tell them how peaceful you are and that they are perfectly OK being unbelievers living among the Muslims”. This is what the Quran would say but it doesn’t say that. It just take it for granted that people are living among the Muslims pretending to be Muslims because they are terrified of the Muslim community.

Truthfully, these people have every reason to be dead-scared of their Muslim neighbours because the Quran actually lays a death penalty on the head of anyone who joins the Muslim community, becomes Muslim and then decides that Islam is not really for them and leaves.

*“They wish that you reject Faith, as they have rejected (Faith), and thus that you all become equal (like one another). So take not Auliya (protectors or friends) from them, till they emigrate in the Way of Allah (to Muhammad). But if they turn back (from Islam), take (hold) of them and kill them wherever you find them, and take neither Auliya nor helpers from them.”* ~Quran 4:89

So once again you see that those people to whom the Quran refers to as pretending to be Muslims have every reason to be afraid because if they were to announce their unbelief and leave the community, the Muslims have an obligation before allah to hunt them down and kill them wherever they find them.

And if modern westernized muslims say Jihad is only for self-defense then they get us confused here cos they is nothing defensive about killing people who decide to leave the Islamic community. Today’s Muslims are good at lying to hide the true intension of Islam. This is another form of jihad and it’s called Taqqiya!


Jake Awey is a Christian apologist from Ghana

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