Christian: Do you know with God all things are Possible?

Muslim : Oh yes of course. God can do anything.

Christian: Do believe God can do anything whether it makes sense to man or Not and no man can hold Him responsible because all Powers belong to Him

Muslim: Yes, of course. He is God, and Only One God.

Christian: All the answers your have given to my answers are very Correct. Therefore  If you have agreed that GOD CAN DO ANYTHING and no one can hold Him responsible then GOD CAME ON EARTH IN THE FLESH THROUGH THE VIRGIN MARY CREATED BY THE SAME GOD WHO SERVED AS MOTHER ON EARTH.

MUSLIM : Nooooooooo !!! Nooo! No human being can give Birth to God. It is impossible.

Christian : OK. Can I ask you a question?

Muslim :Yes go ahead and I will prove to you that your Bible is corrupted.

Christian: Was Mary a Virgin when He got Pregnant without a man having sex with her?


CHRISTIAN : Which simply means that the two of us agree that no man’s seed or semens went into her before giving birth right?

Muslim: YES.

Christian: Good. So under normal circumstance   what happens before a woman gets pregnant?

Muslim : Ha but don’t you know?  The woman must definitely have sexual intercourse before getting pregnant.

CHRISTIAN : But in the very case of only JESUS  CHRIST in the entire world today there was no insertion of man’s Semens right?

Muslim : Yes


Muslim : NO ANSWER. But just shouting

CHRISTIAN: THAT IS THE SEED OF GOD. And That Seed is The Son of God and He Is God because God can only Give birth to God.

Muslim: Noooo.  It is not True. What about Adam and Eve? Who is their Father, they have no Father.

CHRISTIAN : so in the case of Adam and Even, If I may ask you question to answer you, who got pregnant and gave birth to them?

Muslim : (silence)  Hmm (Sighs). No One.

Christian: How were they created?  God Created out of The Soil and Breathed into Adam, and through Adam’s Rib came forth Woman.  Therefore there was no Sexual intercourse that brought Forth Adam and Eve. Do you Agree?

Muslim: Yes but Quoran tells as something different.

Christian: But in all what your Quoran told you there was no SEXUAL INTERCOURS TO BRING FORTH ADAM AND EVE RIGHT?

Muslim :Yes

CHRISTIAN: Now Listen to the most interesting thing. Through JESUS CHRIST everything including Adam and Eve were Created. Both seen and unseen.

Muslim: NOOOOOOO! It is not true

CHRISTIAN: Please don’t be screaming especially when you don’t have answers to my questions. how did God create The world?

Muslim :He Spoke them and the things came into being.

CHRISTIAN: You mean He used HIS WORD to Create the world right?

Muslim? Yes

Christian:Are you sure of what you are saying?

Muslim : Yes. You see, you don’t even know this.

CHRISTIAN : So Who is HIS WORD according to your Quoran? sura 4:171

Muslim : (silence)


Who is The Word in your Quoran? Sura 4:171

(No Answer) 

Christian: JESUS CHRIST IS THE WORD MY BROTHER. research and get back to me. And my Last question before I leave “With God All things are possible right? Whether it makes sense to man or not?

Muslim : Hmm.

Christian: My Brother, don’t  allow yourself to be bamboozled you need to learn THE truth and stop defending false doctrine because you fear you will loose your family and wealth. Please your life is priceless DON’T ALLOW the sweet words of Mohammed to deceive you.

Muslim: Please don’t talk about Mohammed he was a Holy man and PURE. He has never sinned before.

Christian: There is no man who has never sinned before except GOD ALONE.

Muslim : You are right.

Christian: The Bible says for all have sinned and fallen short of The Glory of God. The same Bible says For The Wages of Sin is Death but The Gift of God is Eternal life through Our Lord.

But you see JESUS CAME IN THE FLESH AND TOOK UPON HIMSELF THE SINS IF THE WORLD and through Him we are made Righteous. And even in your Quran he was called holy son sura 19:19!

Just as Through ONE man sin came into the world BUT Through CHRIST JESUS we were redeemed Through His Blood.
John 3:16

You see anyone Who rejects The Son of God rejects Life. And he or she is already condemned. Everyone has to Receive Christ as The Lord over His Life to receive Free Salvation.

Will you come to JESUS?

Muslim: Hmm (Silence)….I will. SOBBING…..

Christian: Say this Prayer after me:

Heavenly Father, I thank You for today and Your Word of Life. I  Believe in Your Son’s Death and Resurrection and Ascension in my Place so that I will have Life. I thank You. I admit I am a sinner. Please forgive me of all my sins and wash me with The Blood of JESUS CHRIST and write my name in The Book of Life. I thank You for answered Prayer Amen.

Christian /Muslim :AMEN.

Christian : You are now BORN Again. God Has Cleared all your sins away and you don’t need water to be washing yourself five times a day.

ONLY THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST WASHES SINS AWAY. find a Bible Believing Church and Attend and get a Bible for yourself and Ask CHRISTIANS who have grown in The True Faith of God Questions and they will happily answer you as you also grow in The Lord. I love you but JESUS loves you more.

CHRISTIAN gives His Brother a Hug.


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