This dialogue ensued between a Muslim and a Christian after Pastor Reno Omokri dropped the bombshell he discovered about Jesus The Messiah. The name Abdul and Johnson are adopted to make it look allegorical but it indeed interaction between an Muslim and a Christian in a whatsapp group. Reno Omokri words can be seen here
Abdul: Johnson have you read the news lately?
Johnson: I am always online why did you ask?
Abdul : one of your renowned pastors media aid to the former president of Nigeria….hmmmmm…. Hmm..
Johnson: you mean Reno Omokri?!
Abdul: Mashallah Reno just confessed openly and destroyed the claims of Christians that has been otherwise covenant for years.
Johnson: really?!  You mean Reno Omokri killed it with such exposition?
Abdul: thanks be to Allah he just finished the scam called Christianity and I hope with this many will troop into Islam. Alahu Akbar.
Johnson: are you sire Reno was right?  Are you in support with all of his claims?  Do you think this favour Islam in any way?
Abdul : walahi I can say his claim moves him closer to Islam than the merchandise of Paul you are all following about. I stand with him on this and I can defend his claims I have read them myself he was actually right
Johnson: can we take his claims one after another as we discuss them in the light of Islam?
Abdul: for certainly yes but you know I will have to worship my God when it is time Adhan is called
Johnson: no problem I will allow you go worship the God housed in the kabbah
Abdul: don’t be stupid
Johnson: oh I am not I am only quoting Quran 27:91 for you. Please let us progress.
Abdul: okay I thought you are joking.  Now do you know Reno actually said as I quote him verbatim
some of the names/doctrine you read in the Bible have
been changed intact there is a huge difference between the Bible  and the scriptures. The bible is a SANITIZED (for their purpose) European version of the scriptures.”
Do you know see he is making sense
Johnson : do you think he is right
Abdul: Yes
Johnson : of I am right by your assertion the Bible is corrupted and sanitized to suit the Europeans.
Abdul: yes you got it
Johnson : who revealed the Torah and the injil if I may ask?
Abdul: Allah of course and what are you driving at?
Johnson : you mean Allah allowed his Bible to be corrupted ?!
Abdul : don’t be silly, that is why we have the dhikr the fuquan the message the Quran. It was protected and it is a guardian over other scriptures
Johnson: the Bible is corrupted twisted and edited to suit Europeans according to Reno and you agreed. But where can we find the name of Ahmad?
Abdul : in the Bible of course in Song of Solomon 5:16 Deut 18:18 Isaiah 42 John 1:21 chapters 14-16 of course
Johnson: and you claimed the Bible is corrupted and edited by the Europeans yet they never had time to remove the name of Muhammad. Do you think this claim  can be substantiated and also you don’t think it has a negative effect on Islam
Abdul: hmm-mm Allahu Allam.
Johnson : let me drive him my point.  Allah said none can change the words of Allah sura 18:27 and  that Allah wrote the Torah with is two hands and delivered it to Moses. Then revealed the injil  to Jesus. Meanwhile the noble prophet of Islam after laying is hands on the Torah I trust you and he who revealed you. Do you think such referred scriptures that contain such depth message like the name of the last prophet can be corrupted by mere mortal?
Abdul : this is serious!
Johnson: don’t you think this will reduce the power of he who claimed to have revealed these scriptures and lowered his status to a mere god rather than Almighty?
Abdul: Reno must be Stupid then!!!
Johnson : don’t say that please, you just said you agree with him few minutes ago and now you said he is stupid but do you know what that implies…. ?
Abdul: ah ah ah I am not stupid!. Reno must be asked to elaborate furthe
Johnson: we are progressing… CUTS in
Abdul: time for solat I vow to come back so we dig this together as usual.
Johnson: Go well. Ensure you come back….
See you then
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