1. If God is all powerful with unlimited powers to do anything he wants and He is the creator of all, then why can’t He have a son and become a man?

2.when was the Torah and the gospel got corrupted and why?
3. If Jesus Christ did not actually die on the cross and resurrect the third day, Why were the disciples killed, why weren’t they afraid to die and why didn’t they admit their “great lie” because they were Matyred!!!
4. If Muhammad was sent to the world with Quran, why did God watch him die slowly but painfully before his book was compiled into a complete book?

5. Why didn’t God sent Jubril to warn Muhammad before he ate the poison that led to his death?

6. If the poisoned lamb actually spoke to Muhammad, then why did the poisoned food spoke too late?
7. Why does Quran ordered the killing of the unbelievers when the unbelievers have their whole life to accept God and why doesn’t Muhammad focused on the conversion of apostate rather than killing them??
8. Why was Muhammad permitted to flout law of Marriage? He married more than the four wives stipulated in the Quran.
9. If Muhammad is actually the last prophet, why was the beast coming from the ground teaching people Quran, or why would Jesus come back to kill Dajjal and destroy other all forms of worship?
10. Quran said the followers of Jesus would be made superior till the day of resurrection, what was their teaching before the coming of Muhammad and were they actually superior from then?
11. Quran said word of Allah cannot be changed, then who is the liar Quran that said it cannot be changed or Muslims who claimed it was corrupted?
12. Quran said people of the gospel should judge by what God revealed there in then if Allah actually know the gospel has been corrupted why did he admonished the people to judge by it?
13. Allah told Muhammad to ask the people who have been reading the book before him if he is doubt,  are the people and their book missing out, if not why did Allah mentioned them as reference for Muhammad?
14.The Quran said Jesus was born of a virgin, which means he had no earthly father despite coming in the procedure of normal child bearing, please where did the blood of Jesus come from?
15. If the term son of God in the bible was only metaphorical, can Allah be called a father metaphorically and any reference to support this?
16. The word of God is eternal, Jesus was called the word of God what does that make Jesus?
17. If the kabbah was actually built by Abraham and Ishmw2ael why did Muslim prayed facing Jerusalem for more than a decade?
18. What evidence could Muslim give to support the Quranic claim that the he kabbah was actually built by Abraham and Ishmael?
19.If Abraham amd his son actually built the Al-Masjid-al-Haram (at Makkah) and King Solomon buil the Al-Masjid-al-Aqsa (at Jerusalem). Then is it actually fourth year gap diwfference between the two as found in Sahih bukhari 3366?
20. If the pre Islamic pagaw2ns actually circumvent the kabbah seven times to identify with the seven deities associated with the seven planets, why did muslims circumvent the 2 seven times, any reason?
21. If the pagan Arab kissed the black stone as a form of worship, why did Muslims kiss the black stone, was he ordered to do so by God? (Sahih Al Bukhawwwri 1597).
22. If running between the two great mountains of As-Safa and Al-Marwa was paganistic act, why are the Muslims permitted to do swwame today since paganism act is actually detested by Allah? Sahih Al bukhari 4496 sura 2:158
23. If Ishmael was a prophet to which of the nation was he sent to? Because sura 34:44, sura 5:19 and sura 28:46 said no warner came to the Arab before Muhammad?
24. Sura 29:27 prophet hood is not in the lineage of Muhammad according to Quran why?
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