The ayat of alquran Al-Taubah, 33; Al-Fath, 29; Al-Saff,10 caused this dialogue ensued between Abdulllahi and Ibn illahi. Abd (slave) is the Muslims while Ibn (son) is a Christian. Abd:…

Muslims are aware that immediately the genuineness of the prophet hood of Muhammad failed Islam failed out rightly this is the reason Muslims fight tooth and nail to defend every…

    In Islam, the word of Allah is eternal and not created. Also in the Quran,Sura 4:171 and confirmed in the hadith Sahih Al-Bukhari Volume 6, Book 60, Number 3…

As I rose to write this article the lyric of this hymn keeps flashing on my mind, and so it is used as the opening of this article:  On a…

sura 4:157 has cause Muslims a great deal of problem there were varying interpretations. According to theTafsir al-Jalalay seen below: And for their saying boastfully ‘We slew the Messiah Jesus…

It’s been 1400 years since Allah parting the Moon sura 54:1 into two failed woefully to mark the end of days. Allah the Lord of Kabbah has failed woefully that…

Five months back a Muslim told me Jesus and other prophets were Muslims who submitted to Allah the Lord of the alamin. I was told the noble Quran is a…

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