In sura 18:83-86 Allah revealed the story of the man with two horns to Muhammad and the story of the man with two horn proof Quran is from the brain…

An ex Muslim send me  a YouTube link where some ignorant Muslims are drinking camel urine together with its milk!! It is irritating and dehumanizing.I share the video link with…

Ummatul is a Muslim dawah preacher and he engaged fsp in a dialogue and this following ensued Ummatul : Paul condemned old testament and Jesus, Paul correct God in his…

(English Transliteration)Warabbuka aAAlamu biman fee assamawatiwal-ardi walaqad faddalna baAAdaannabiyyeena AAala baAAdin waataynadawooda zaboora (Sahih International)And your Lord is most knowing of whoever is in the heavens and the earth. And…

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