My dialogue with Akinlabiirawo one of the Muslims friends in my list. Read the conversation and get the truth from the dialogue. Fola:is QUORAN complete Akinlabiirawo 100: yeah! Fola :…

INTRODUCTION   The name Allah became prominence in 1400 years ago when an Arab man Muhammad claimed he was sent by God named Allah sura 96:1   Many a Muslim have a…

I had a conversation with a Muslim guy who sent message to me in my inbox asking me to stop generalizing all Muslims as violent extremist Muslims. Here is our…

A Muslim was hell bent on knowing whether Jesus was a Jew accordinf to the scripture or not I took my time to school himPremisesDo you belief God is Almighty…

Muslims tried to conjure Muhammad into the Jewish scripture by ascribing deut 18:18 to Muhammad  they went further to compose some similarities between Moses and Muhammad  which qulaifed him to…

If the Quran is true, then Islam is false.  Why?  Because the Quran says to trust the Gospels and the four Gospels contradict the Quran. This means the Quran can’t…

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