I was born a Roman Catholic.But naturally, I had this personal longing of reaching to my MAKER and living eternally with HIM.However, being a nominal Christian and living among nonchallants…

*Muhammad discovered plastic surgery in the 7th century* tekbir!!!! Tonto Dike was about to be operated upon  Muhammad discovered *Plastic surgery* In the 7th century!!!! Science discovered peoples blossom can…

Do you know Allah called for contest? It is pathetic this is not football contest but CURSING CONTEST…. Surah Aal-e-Imran, Verse 61:If any one disputes in this matter with thee,…

Muhammad is the best of example for the Muslim, he must be followed obeyed and made judge over their affairs Pre islamic pagans ran around marwa Amd sarfwa they also…

The wife of the noble prophet Khadija stripped to examine and verify that angel jubril was the one who was appearing to Muhammad, she had to strip herself to confirm…

I WILL REVERT TO ISLAM IF…… after looking at the debate I had with Muslims and many others evidences I got convinced thatJESUS IS A MANJESUS IS A PROPHETJESUS IS…

PRETENDING TO BE MUSLIMS (QURAN 9:56-57) Whenever the issue of Jihad is brought before Muslim dawagandist, one defense they bring out is that “Yes the Quran allows for fighting, but…

MUHAMMAD: Divinely inspired or ignorantly superstitious. Episode: Moses and the running stone. Sura Al-Ahzab 33: Verse 69“O you who have believed, be not like those who abused Moses; *then Allah…

My Story I grew up as an Arab Sunni Muslim in the city of Baghdad, Iraq, in the 1980’s during the Iraq-Iran war. I remember Iranian airplanes bombing the city. Sounds of bomb explosions and the air…

On the way to my Muslim mother’s grave, which I was visiting for the first time just a few days after her death, the taxi driver I hired to take…

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